DNA Diet & Healthy Weight Test
Price: SGD 650
Testing: Applicant only
Timeframe: 4 weeks

Having problems managing your weight? Frustrated with all the failed diets? Our Weight and Wellness DNA test could be the solution to your problem by helping you manage your weight and find an optimal diet that is tailored to your genes. To formulate a winning weight management and fitness programme you need to know what is enclosed in your DNA.
The Answers: Squeezing Into Your Genes
A weight and wellness programme which is DNA-based is not just a fad or a whim – it is the key to reaching your weight loss and wellness goals – because studies have shown that weight gain is 70% genetic and that gene expression plays a major role in how healthy you are and how much you weigh!
You must have wondered why the same diet may produce very different results for different people. This issue has baffled nutritionists and dieticians for a long time and has also been the cause of much disappointment in individuals who have followed a given diet carefully and diligently. Our bodies are not all the same and our response to a diet or exercise regime will vary depending on our personal genetic makeup –and this is essentially the crux of our weight and wellness test. People do not just over eat, if they can never feel satiated it is for a reason that is very often genetic; people with this gene may be more likely to suffer from cravings and over eat – might you have this gene? This is just one of the questions our DNA test can answer for you. By analysing your genes, we can establish the type of diet you need, the foods you should be eating and those you should avoid and also tell you which exercises are most suited to you and just how much of the exercise you need to undertake. But this is not all;you will also get valuable information about what supplements and vitamins you need and the best dosage.
Sample Collection for Your Test
Sample collection for our weight and wellness test is as simple and straightforward as it can possibly be. Understanding your genes and getting the key to your weight loss unlocked is by means of a simple mouth swab. We will provide you with our own sample collection kit which will contain the mouth swabs, instructions for the collection of your samples as well as the consent forms. Rub the swabs for 30 seconds against your inner cheek, leave them to dry, fill out the consent form and send everything off for testing. Ready to take you test?
Science and results
This cutting-edge DNA test is a personalised test, created for you, to help you. Your personal, detailed genetic report will highlight 6 important areas:
• Food Choices
• Exercise and Activity
• General Health
• Behaviour and Motivation
• Vitamins
• Risk of Obesity
Your personalised report will be ready within 4 weeks from the moment we get your DNA samples at our laboratory.
Click here to view an extract of a sample Weight and Wellness Report.
Note: to be able to benefit from the full potential of this test, you will need to work hand-in-hand with a qualified nutritionist or doctor. The assistance of such a person will help you create your personalised wellness and weight plan and understand how you can prevent or address those health risks which concern you.
Our weight and wellness test has been researched and is scientifically validated. These findings and the many studies behind this test have been published in leading academic peer reviews journals and papers, including some of the world’s oldest and most respected scientific and medical journals such as The Lancet, The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which was selected by the Special Libraries Association (SLA) as one of the top 100 most influential journals in Biology and Medicine over the last 100 years.
Important Note Regarding Genetic Testing:
Once you acquire genetic information, the knowledge is irreversible.
It is important to understand that due to the complexity of DNA based testing and the important implications of the test results, you may want to consult your doctor or a genetic counsellor before ordering. This report is provided to you for informational and educational purposes, and it does not replace a visit to a doctor, nor does it replace the advice or services of a doctor.